Iris Zarecki

Gearing Up for Gartner IT Symposium/Xpo in October

  • September 23, 2019
  • 3 min read

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StorageGuard - by Continuity™ - is the ONLY Security Posture Management solution for Storage & Backups, helping to ensure these systems are securely configured, and compliant with industry & security standards.

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This year, we will be exhibiting at the Gartner IT Symposium/Xpo, to be held in Orlando, Florida from October 20-24.

Billed as the “world’s most important gathering of CIOs and IT executives,” it draws close to 10,000 CIOs and IT executives who come to the five-day event to learn about new trends and developments in their fields and to network with fellow professionals from around the globe.  As exhibitors at previous Gartner events, we can attest that the exchange of information and knowledge among professionals and experts is vital and contributes to new thinking. And, it’s a great opportunity for us to meet up with our existing customers attending the event and with companies that want to hear more about our solutions.

Gartner IT Symposium/Xpo holds over 350 research-driven conference sessions given by the Gartner analysts in 12 areas of relevance to participants. To help you navigate, we picked three interesting sessions:

  • In the “Cloud & Infrastructure Strategy” track, check out “Top Ten Trends Impacting Infrastructure and Operations” session. In their role as trend forecasters, at the end of 2018, Gartner published the 10 trends impacting I&O for 2019 (and beyond). Their general message was that infrastructure exists to help enterprise achieve business objectives, and mentioned some specific trends like hybridization of infrastructure; cloud platforms; DevOps; and more.
    We definitely endorse the infrastructure-in-the-service-of-enterprise message. Our resilience assurance solutions help organizations around the world do the job they need to by providing uninterrupted service availability in all types of IT environments. It will be interesting to see how those trends evolve in 2020.
  • In the “Security, Risk & Compliance” track, check out the sessions devoted to cybersecurity and preparedness in the face of the cyberattack epidemic perpetrated by very sophisticated attackers; how to maintain business operations following a cyberattack; and, decisions about balancing digital opportunity against cyber risk. These are the very areas addressed by our solutions for protecting key data storage systems and ensuring data recovery following a cyberattack.
  • Another thought-provoking bundle of sessions is offered by Industry Sunday, addressing hot topics of relevance to nine industries from financial services and insurance, government and public sector, healthcare and more, and includes in-depth guidance into industry trends, challenges and strategies. The trends toward new, better and more innovative solutions and services revolve around data. From the get-go, organizations need to make sure their data is stored securely and resilient to attack. Their infrastructure also needs to be resilient in the face of the rapidly escalating challenge of maintaining service reliability in increasingly demanding environments. Did you know that 6 of the top 10 US banks and many other leading financial institutions worldwide, use our scalable and robust IT resilience solutions?

Companies can focus more exclusively on business goals when we help them assure the resilience of their IT environments and achieve high rates of service availability, avoid outages and data loss, and ensure that data storage systems holding mission-critical enterprise data are protected against cyberattacks and that core data is recoverable.

Please plan on visiting us at booth #636 in the IOCS Marketplace at Gartner IT Symposium/Xpo. We’ll start the conversation on how your organization’s environment can become more resilient and secure, and more smoothly achieve your business goals.

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It’s time to automate the secure configuration of your storage & backup systems.

On October 29, join Dell-Continuity Webinar: 4 Fundamental Strategies To Secure Your Storage & Backup

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