
Doron Pinhas

CTO at Continuity Software

What’s Wrong with Storage and Backup Ransomware Protection Capabilities? (An Overview of Immutability, Snapshots, Air-Gap & Data Recovery)

Storage is becoming a prime target of cybercriminals as they attempt to infiltrate the enterprise. Faced with a wall of perimeter defenses, security safeguards, and well-patched

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Five Reasons Why Storage and Backup are Cybersecurity’s Weakest Links

A lot of money is being spent to proof up the enterprise against intrusion. Ransomware protection is currently in the spotlight – and with good reason.

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When, Why and How To Create A Secure Backup Strategy 

Introduction  When data is compromised, the last line of defense is your backup.  In the past year, the tactics being used by cybercriminals have changed. And

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Iron hammer breaking glass window

Storage security mythbusting: 4 myths CISOs still believe, and why they’re wrong

Experience is the mother of wisdom, or so the famous proverb goes. And there’s definitely something to that: the more of life we’ve experienced, the more

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Software Defined Data Center

Configuration validation automation – a hidden AvailabilityGuard™ gem!

Knowing what you’d like to change in your IT settings, or what standards you want to apply, and then validating that your changes were actually implemented – are two different things. The larger your enterprise, the more likely it is that significant gaps between the two will exist, leaving you with unknown, and potentially unacceptable risk.

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Stories We Tell, and the Real Reasons for IT Outages

IT outages seem more common than ever, and their business implications also seem to increase exponentially over time. When looking at the reasons given, way too often it’s a “hardware issue” or the notorious “technical glitch”. So what are the real causes, and why use technology as a scape-goat?

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Go ahead, move to software-defined storage – we’ve got your back, configuratively-speaking

Modern enterprises are always in search of more agility and productivity – IT included. To a very great extent these have been provided by cloud and virtualization technologies. And, most recent in a long line of these innovative technologies, storage virtualization is now also enterprise-ready. How do you confirm it’s configured for resilience?

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How to Ensure Your IT Resilience

How to Ensure Your IT Resilience

Waiting for bad things to happen is never a good practice, right? That’s why taking a proactive approach for prevention is always recommended, especially when it comes to your critical IT. Here are five things you can do to ensure the resilience of your critical IT infrastructure.

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Talk To An Expert

It’s time to automate the secure configuration of your storage & backup systems.

On October 29, join Dell-Continuity Webinar: 4 Fundamental Strategies To Secure Your Storage & Backup

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